- “Critical talent among muslim minority education : A study on higher secondary level students” published by International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, ISSN. 2349-5979, Vol-2, Issu-2, 2015, pp. 144-146, Impact Factor- 3.762
- “Educational concept of Swami Abhedananda- vistas of a New Horizon” published by International journal of Applied Research, ISSN. 2394-7500, Vol-1, Isssue-9, 2015, pp. 26-29, Impact Factor- 5.2
- “Impact of Practice on Transfer of Learning : A study on Secondary Level Student’s” published by International journal of Home Science, ISSN. 2395-7476, Vol-1, Issu-3, September 2015, pp. 13-14
- “National curriculum framework for teacher education, 2009 : A review of its perspectives and relevanceness” published by International journal of Applied Research, ISSN. 2394-7500, Vol-1, Issue-9, 2015, pp. 776-778, Impact Factor- 5.2
- “মা বিশালাক্ষী মন্দির ও বৈষ্ণব কবি চন্ডীদাসের কথা” published by Bhugol o Poribesh, ISSN. 2321-4694, RNI NO. WBBEN/2015/63842, Vol.-1, Issue-3, December 2015, pp. 18-20
- “Inclusion of project work in higher secondary education in West Bengal : An initiative towards educational reforms” published by International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, ISSN. 2349-5979, Vol-2, Issu-9, 2015, pp. 61-62, Impact Factor- 3.762
- “Reflection of Educational thoughts of Swami Abhedananda” published by Indian Streams Research Journal (ISRJ), ISSN. 2230-7850,Vol- V, Issue-VII, August 2015, pp. 1-5, Impact Factor- 3.1560
- “Educational Thoughts of Swami Abhedananda : A critical study” published by International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, ISSN. 2349-5979, Vol-2, Issu-8, 2015, pp. 175-177, Impact Factor- 3.762
- “Educational Thought of Swami Vivekananda : Indian and Global Perspective” published by Contemporary Research Spectrum, ISSN. 2245-8987, Vol-1, Issue-1, September 2015, pp. 1-6
- “Role of vertical social mobility in reducing discrimination in the Indian society: A new approach” published by Review of Research, ISSN. 2249-894X, Vol-4, Issue-12, September 2015, pp. 1-6, Impact Factor- 3.1402
- “জন শিক্ষার আলোকে স্বামীজীর শিক্ষা চিন্তার তিনটি সংজ্ঞা” published by Amiaroni, ISSN. 2277-8780, Vol-4, Issue-2, October 2015, pp.107-110
- “Art, Culture and Ethics in the perspective of Indian Education” published by Evolution Horizone, Satyapriya Roy College of Education, ISSN. 2319-6521, Vol-4, November 2015, pp. 73-81
- “A Study of Friedrich William August Froebel’s Educational Thought” published by Edulight, ISSN. 2278-9545, Vol-4, Issue-8, November 2015, pp. 102-106
- “Women Empowerment and Higher Education” published by Contemporary Research Spectrum, ISSN. 2245-8987, Vol-2, Issue-3, September 2016, pp. 1-7
- “নবদ্বীপের টোল-শিক্ষা - শিবনাথ চতুষ্পাঠী একটি অনুসন্ধান” published by Amiarani, ISSN. 2277-8780, Vol-5, Issue-1, April 2016, pp. 106-117
- “Educational perspective of Historical discourse: Sri Ramakrishna and Vidyasagar” published by Edulight, ISSN. 2278-9545, Vol.-5, Issue-9, May 2016, pp. 211-220
- “ইতিহাসের প্রেক্ষাপটে নবদ্বীপের "বঙ্গবিভূধ জননী সভা" published by Amiarani, ISSN. 2277-8780, Vol. 5, Issue- 2, October 2016, pp.64-70
- “Abhedananda’s Ideal on Woman Education and Women Empowerment” published by Journal of Education and Development, ISSN. 2248-9703, Vol. 6, Issue-12, December 2016, pp. 134-145
- “সর্বপল্লী রাধাকৃষ্ণানের শিক্ষা চিন্তা” published by Amiarani, ISSN. 2277-8780, Vol. 6, Issue- 1, April 2017, pp. 40-47
- “SriAurobinda A Great Educational Thinker” Published by Magis, Xaverian Journal of Education, St. Xabiour’s College, ISSN. 2319-3239, Vol. 6, January 2017, pp. 46-53
- “Swami Abhedananda- A Great Educational Thinker” published by Edulight, ISSN. 2278-9545, Vol-8, Issue-16, November 2019, pp. 1-9
- “Educational ideas of Swami Abhedananda-Some Discussion” published by Journal of Education and Development, ISSN. 2248-9703, Vol. 11, Issue-20, December 2020, pp. 18-27
- “An Assessment of the Contemporary Education System” published by Teachers’ Journal, ISSN. 2395-5627, Vol. 5, December 2021, pp. 38-43
- “Online Education &Covid 19” published by Ebong Prantik, ISSN. 2582-3841 (O) 2348-487X (P), Vol. 9, Issue -21, September 2022, pp.551-556
- “A Study on National Educational Policy 2020 : Future Education System” published by Open Eyes, S R Lahiri Mahavidyalaya, ISSN. 2249-4332, Vol. 02, December 2022, pp. 62-67
- “Recommendation of Government Scheme Regarding Women’s Education in present era” published by Manifestation of Education, Kanyashree University, Krishnagar, Vol. 01, Issue. 01, March 2023, pp.112-117