- “Psychology of Education and Literature” organized by S.S.P.P.D.P.G. College, Tisuhi, Mahatma Gandhi KashiVidyapith, Varanasi, U.P on 17th May 2020
- “Transforming Higher Education in the Context of COVID-19” organized by Department of Education, Asannagar MMT College and Department of Education, Plassey College on 24th June 2020
- “Swami Abhedananda as a Social Scientist” organized by IQAC, Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education in collaboration with Department of Education, University of Kalyani on 27th June 2020
- “Educational Thought of Madan Mohan Tarkalankar” organised by Department of Bengali and IQAC, Asannagar MMT College, Asannagar, Nadia on 21-22th February 2020
- “Universalization of School Education and NEP 2020” organized by Department of Education, Surendranath College for Women on 24th and 25th June 2021
- “Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the father of Modern India’s Renaissance” organized by Department of Political Science, Durgapur Women’s College on 24th June 2021
- “Educational Thoughts of Madan Mohan Tarkalankar” organised by Department of Bengali & IQAC, Asannagar Madan Mohan Tarkalnkar College on 21 and 22th February, 2022
- “An Alternative Model in the Context of CCE” organised by Department of Education, Aliah University on 11th November, 2022